The result of a performing an operation is what we refer to as a **modeled response**. Instead of returning the raw XML or JSON data, the SDK will coerce the data into an associative array and normalize some aspects of the data based on its knowledge of the specific service and the underlying response structure. The actual value returned is a `Model `_ (``Guzzle\Service\Resource\Model``) object. The Model class is a part of the SDK's underlying Guzzle library, but you do not need to know anything about Guzzle to use your operation results. The Model object contains the data from the response and can be used like an array (e.g., ``$result['Table']``). It also has convenience methods like ``get()``, ``getPath()``, and ``toArray()``. The contents of the modeled response depend on the operation that was executed and are documented in the API docs for each operation (e.g., see the *Returns* section in the API docs for the `DynamoDB DescribeTable operation `_). .. code-block:: php $result = $dynamoDbClient->describeTable(array( 'TableName' => 'YourTableName', )); // Get a specific value from the result $table = $result['Table']; if ($table && isset($table['TableStatus'])) { echo $table['TableStatus']; } //> ACTIVE // Get nested values from the result easily echo $result->getPath('Table/TableStatus'); //> ACTIVE // Convert the Model to a plain array var_export($result->toArray()); //> array ( 'Table' => array ( 'AttributeDefinitions' => array ( ... ) ... ) ... )